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The world faces on of the worst financial crisis its ever seened. Super powers of the world have rung the alarm bells to take precautions in anticipation of a crisis that could have a huge impact on the worlds economy and its ocupants. Singapore has declared recession but the government of Malaysia seems oblivious to this ugly wave that is hitting the world. In a strage scenario, after a month and a half break at the parliament the law makers made their way back to the parliament to get straight into business. The weird thing was none of the ministers, deputy ministers were there! The opposition were calling for a review of the budget which was tabled before the Ramadhan break to be reviewed as it became obsolete since the current world economic situation. In all honesty we definitely need a new or improved budget to ensure we are not hit that hard by this crisis. The pakatan MP’s were basically having a concersation between themselves and the speaker while the backbenchers club were mere spectators. Im shocked at this news!! Seriously, are the government serious about the rakyat or are they just too confident of their abilities?? The Pakatan law makers were not interested in politickling but to join forces with the government to come up with the best ossible solution in handling this crisis which the world is facing??
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