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Out On Bail..!!
Maid abuse: Housewife freed on bail
Nov 28, 08 12:12pm

Yim Pek Ha, who was found guilty of inflicting grievous hurt on her former Indonesian maid Nirmala Bonat, gets a stay of execution pending appeal. Sentenced to 18 years' jail. Freed on RM200,000 bail.
Maid Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 27, 2008) : Housewife Yim Pek Ha was today sentenced
to 18 years' jail after she was found guilty by the Sessions Court here of three counts of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to her Indonesian maid four years ago.
Yim, 40, a former air stewardess, was found guilty of causing grievous hurt to Nirmala Bonat, 23, with a hot iron and hot water at Villa Putera, Jalan Tun Ismail here in January, March and April 2004. She was jailed for 18 years on each count but Judge Akhtar Tahir ordered the jail terms to run concurrently from today. In his judgment, he said the offences, committed several times by Yim were cruel and showed sadistic behaviour which could not be tolerated in the society. "To do it one time is cruel, more than one time is more cruel. You deserve to serve the jail term consecutively but it will be harsh if I send you (to prison) for 54 years, so the sentence will run concurrently," said Akhtar. However, he acquitted and discharged Yim of a fourth charge of causing hurt to Nirmala, 23, with a metal cup at the same place on May 17 2004 after ruling that there was a doubt as to whether the injury was caused on that day. The court had heard that Yim had poured hot water on Nirmala and ironed her breasts with hot iron, resulting in serious injuries to her breasts, thighs and back. The mother of four children burst into tears and was comforted by her husband after the court made the ruling. Amid her sobs she was heard saying:"Why, why is this happening to me?" Earlier, Akhtar concluded that Yim was the one who had caused the injuries to Nirmala and that the inference by the defence that Nirmala had self-inflicted the injuries was unsustainable and could not be accepted. "No person in the house saw Nirmala causing injury to herself. It is only a possibility raised up by the defence. I cannot agree that just a person merely knocking her head on a wall can lead to the inference that she can cause several serious injuries to herself. "I notice that the evidence of the accused started off by stating bad points of Nirmala and there was still underlying anger in her after three years, so I am not suprised if she caused the injuries. She also gave evidence that she had slapped the victim. She is capable of being physical. "From the evidence tendered, the accused exaggerated the flaws made by Nirmala in doing her house chores. To me that is not a reason to be cruel," said Akhtar. He also said that Nirmala's full evidence, which was supported by other evidence, showed that she was not telling lies. In mitigation, Yim's counsel, Jagjit Singh, said he could not mitigate that his client was remorseful as she maintained her innocence. Deputy public prosecutor Raja Rozela Raja Toran replied that the extent of the injuries suffered by Nirmala reflected the cruelty and inhuman nature of the accused. Yim will serve the jail term from today as her counsel has yet to file an appeal or seek a stay of execution of the sentence.
Mumbai Under Massive Terrorist Attack

Teams of heavily armed gunmen stormed luxury hotels, a popular restaurant and a crowded train station in coordinated attacks across India’s financial capital Wednesday night, killing at least 78 people and taking Westerners hostage.

A policeman stands guard after shootings by unidentified assailants at a railway station in Mumbai. (Reuters) Source -

Gunmen who arrived by boats launched attacks on at least seven locations in Mumbai, India, on Wednesday night, killing more than 120 people. This is the biggest attacks this year and its not something the world should condone! I’m personally very sad that this is happening in the day where the world is demanding change! I hope those who have the power too handle this do the right things in the continuous fighting terrorism.Imagine if something similar happened here?!
Pray for those in Mumbai!
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Yoga is banned for muslim..!!

I just heard over the news that yoga is banned. I found the same news on Malaysiakini. Malaysiakini reported :

“The fatwa (edict) is meant solely for the Muslims to follow. Non-Muslims need not question or debate this because they are free to do whatever they wish. It is the Muslims who have to adhere to this rule,” he added. Shukor said once the edict was gazetted, it would be up to the state governments to plan implementation and enforcement laws. “Malaysia is not the only country which has declared yoga as haram in Islam. Singapore and Egypt have come out with the same edict as well.”

According to the Star, council chairperson Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said although the physical aspect of yoga, excluding worshiping and chanting, might not be wrong in Islam, the exercise should be avoided by Muslims as “doing one thing could lead to another”. "We discourage Muslims from practising yoga as a form of exercise because it will ultimately lead to religious worshiping and chanting which is against Islam.
I was just browsing through after I read a blog by regards to top criminals in Malaysia. Well, all the picture's were taken when they were 15-20 years old. Parents always love that their kids will be someone one day and not as published here. If you have time, just drop by Cop's Page and click Orang dihendaki in your left hand side.
Peace Candle Vigil for Sri Lanka in Singapore
Peace Vigil for Sri Lanka in Speakers Corner, Clarke Quay Singapore

Prominent figures in Singapore’s civil and political society, including members of the Reform Party, Singapore Democratic Party and National Solidarity Party came to show their support.

Source -
Enough of mahathir please

Sudah lah, it's boring to hear you talk. Feel like puking. Feel dizzy. Because after 22 years, I am sick of you. Wasted my time reading this - Mahathir: Race-based politics still relevant. Same old rethoric, same old propaganda. You had your years. You had your day. And you had your chances. You talk nonsense also. My mind and my ears shut down automatically when I hear your name. Cukuplah. Anyone can be PM? Of course, too many examples, have we? But when we talk about a non-Malay PM, it’s racism. When UMNO insists on choosing a PM for Malaysia, who only cares for UMNO, it's okay?Majority, konon. How are all the boundaries delineated, if not to give UMNO the majority? Menyampah. After March 8, we talk more about race? But who does it? Who went to the streets and rallied against a PAKATAN chief minister in Penang right after March 8? Who called other races immigrant;, during the Permatang Pauh by election? Whose remarks got a journalist into ISA detention, although police lied and said it was only for her protection. Balik lah. And if PAS is a race based party, whose fault is that? All Malays are Muslims. Do Malays have a choice to choose their own religion? And talk about vision school? It is not mother tongue language that makes people racists, it is discriminating and racist policies that makes minorities feel left out, and breed hatred towards the swindling majority. And don't start to talk about ISA detention for corrupt UMNO leaders. During whose premiership was ISA used so blatantly and rudely against 100-odd activists and opposition politicians?Please lah, stop your nonsense. Go talk to Mukriz, maybe he will listen to you. He has no choice, you are his father. But you ain't mine. So buzz off. Pi-lah. Balik kampung, tanam jagung. Menyampah. Only idiots get impressed by what you say and do. And there are too many of them around. Sick of you, sick of the newspapers who give you so much coverage as if there is no other persons to cover. A waste of journalistic talent. A waste of paper in the newspaper. A waster of my reading time.
Source -
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Which is more Painful ???
This one.....







This one..??

Islam and Yoga

Yoga is not a religion. Rather, it is a set of techniques and skills that enhance the practice of any religion. A French author named Jean Déchanet discovered this in regard to his Catholic faith and wrote the book ChristianYoga (New York: Harper, 1960). In Malaysia Muslim’s case, I have found that Islamic yoga is a reality. It is possible to employ the skills of yoga to worship god better and to be a better human. Yoga arose from the matrix of the Hindu world, although according to Mircea Eliade it is of pre-Hindu origin and can be traced back to prehistoric shamanism. Like India's other gifts to world civilization, for example the system of place notation on which all mathematics depends, yoga is not tied to the Hindu religion but has a universal applicability. It helps one to follow one's own religion better whatever that may be. Yoga is no substitute for any Islamic requirement, it just as a valuable addition to the spiritual path of one’s religion. I totally disagree if Yoga banned for Muslims in Malaysia by authorities. Such act is more to the mockery of human rights, definitely not to protect the religion.
Yahoo! RPK is free!

Just read from the news and received several sms-es that the Shah Alam High Court has ordered RPK to be released by 4pm today. After 56 days in detention, starting from September 23, RPK is back, and I hope, with more vengeance! Now that everyone’s secured in their position, with Najib Tun Razak sure of becoming PM next year, it isn’t necessary anymore to keep RPK in jail, is it? The other person who could have jeopardize Najib’s chances in the UMNO elections and premiership,Abdul Razak Baginda, has also been freed, free from the murder of poor Altantuya Shariibuu.
The coming days would indeed be very exciting!
Source -
The Next President

Democratic Senator Barack Obama is elected the first black president of the United States, as John McCain accepts defeat.
Can't Wait

I'm of course talking about the new James Bond movie, 'Quantom of Solace'! Ever since I saw the trailer, I have had high expectations of this movie already and yeah, I so want to go! You want to watch the trailer too.? Click Here
7 Wonders of Life

Off late we read, see and hear of many traumatic cases of abuse, murder and mishaps from the media. When someone so precious is lost in such a senseless way, it makes me grateful that I am alive, for there is certainly nothing very precious about me. And then I realize, briefly, all too briefly, that I seldom take the time to be thankful for my life. I suspect I am not alone, and that too many of us just take life for granted. Regardless, you certainly don’t have to be religious to be grateful. I admire people who have a commendable attitude of gratefulness, and I wish I could be that way. As I write this, I am grateful for life and for the many, many blessings I have. But, I know me … it will not be long before I am taking things for granted again. In summary, I believe the very very basic Seven Wonders of Life should be dictated as :-

To be able to SEE
To be able to HEAR
To be able to TOUCH
To be able to TASTE
To be able to FEEL
To be able to LAUGH
To be able to LOVE
Graduation Day

I went to my niece's graduation day last saturday. It was cool. I wondered do we have this kind of shows or graduation during our ages.? It's just a kindergarden and they have all these..
My Family

My family will forever be in my heart,
My sister's and brother's mean more to me,
More than life,
All I ever wanted was a complete family,
My family will always remain who they are in my heart and soul,
My family is more important than my friends,
Family will always come first,
Family is family,
No matter what they did they'll always remain family..
My Blog - Roysmith Francis Xavier

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