Out On Bail..!!
Maid abuse: Housewife freed on bail Nov 28, 08 12:12pm Yim Pek Ha, who was found guilty of inflicting grievous hurt on her former Indonesian maid Nirmala Bonat, gets a stay of execution pending appeal. Sentenced to 18 years' jail. Freed on RM200,000 bail. |
Maid Abuse
Mumbai Under Massive Terrorist Attack
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Welcome to the first easiest online car insurance and road tax renewal system for both comprehensive and third party coverage in Malaysia. You can now purchase the automobile protection plan at anytime and anywhere within 3 minutes by using credit cards or online banking service and have the relevant documents delivered to your doorstep by courier. So, experience our easy car insurance renewal now. Click Here |
Yoga is banned for muslim..!!
I was just browsing through after I read a blog by rageindian.com regards to top criminals in Malaysia. Well, all the picture's were taken when they were 15-20 years old. Parents always love that their kids will be someone one day and not as published here. If you have time, just drop by Cop's Page and click Orang dihendaki in your left hand side. |
Peace Candle Vigil for Sri Lanka in Singapore
Enough of mahathir please
Sudah lah, it's boring to hear you talk. Feel like puking. Feel dizzy. Because after 22 years, I am sick of you. Wasted my time reading this - Mahathir: Race-based politics still relevant. Same old rethoric, same old propaganda. You had your years. You had your day. And you had your chances. You talk nonsense also. My mind and my ears shut down automatically when I hear your name. Cukuplah. Anyone can be PM? Of course, too many examples, have we? But when we talk about a non-Malay PM, it’s racism. When UMNO insists on choosing a PM for Malaysia, who only cares for UMNO, it's okay?Majority, konon. How are all the boundaries delineated, if not to give UMNO the majority? Menyampah. After March 8, we talk more about race? But who does it? Who went to the streets and rallied against a PAKATAN chief minister in Penang right after March 8? Who called other races immigrant;, during the Permatang Pauh by election? Whose remarks got a journalist into ISA detention, although police lied and said it was only for her protection. Balik lah. And if PAS is a race based party, whose fault is that? All Malays are Muslims. Do Malays have a choice to choose their own religion? And talk about vision school? It is not mother tongue language that makes people racists, it is discriminating and racist policies that makes minorities feel left out, and breed hatred towards the swindling majority. And don't start to talk about ISA detention for corrupt UMNO leaders. During whose premiership was ISA used so blatantly and rudely against 100-odd activists and opposition politicians?Please lah, stop your nonsense. Go talk to Mukriz, maybe he will listen to you. He has no choice, you are his father. But you ain't mine. So buzz off. Pi-lah. Balik kampung, tanam jagung. Menyampah. Only idiots get impressed by what you say and do. And there are too many of them around. Sick of you, sick of the newspapers who give you so much coverage as if there is no other persons to cover. A waste of journalistic talent. A waste of paper in the newspaper. A waster of my reading time. Source - http://sloone.wordpress.com/2008/11/13/enough-of-mahathir-please/ |
Do you have a mental health problem?
We often use words like stressed or depressed to describe our mood, but when does a normal period of the blues or one too many drinks become a serious problem and what can you do about it? If you're worried about your mental health explore our easy-to-use questionnaires. Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition featuring extreme mood swings. If you think you might have Bipolar disorder or are worried for someone you know visit our bipolar questionnaire Depression is a mental health condition characterised by sustained periods of unhappiness, feelings of hopelessness and physical symptoms such as insomnia or over and under-eating. If you're worried you might be depressed take our depression questionnaire Stress and anxiety disorders are characterised by mental and physical symptoms from feelings of panic to an irregular heartbeat. If you think you are suffering from acute stress or an anxiety disorder take our stress questionnaire Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental health problem. Sufferes find they are compelled to perform certain rituals or are plagued by obsessive, repetative thoughts. If you are worried you may be suffering from OCD, take our OCD questionnaire Alcoholism occurs when your alcohol intake begins to seriously and negatively affect your life. If you are worried your regular drinking might be becoming a problem, take our alcoholism questionnaire Drug abuse is often spotted by people close to the person involved. If you think somebody you know or you may have a problem with drugs take our drug problem questionnaire |
Which is more Painful ???
Islam and Yoga
Yahoo! RPK is free!
The Next President
Democratic Senator Barack Obama is elected the first black president of the United States, as John McCain accepts defeat. |
Can't Wait
I'm of course talking about the new James Bond movie, 'Quantom of Solace'! Ever since I saw the trailer, I have had high expectations of this movie already and yeah, I so want to go! You want to watch the trailer too.? Click Here |
7 Wonders of Life
Graduation Day
I went to my niece's graduation day last saturday. It was cool. I wondered do we have this kind of shows or graduation during our ages.? It's just a kindergarden and they have all these.. |